I can't connect my email - why?

I'm trying to connect my email but it says it doesn't work. Where do I go from here?


Last Update před 4 měsíci

It's difficult to say straight away what this issue might origin from but here are some troubleshooting tips for when connecting your email does not work.

1. Credentials

Are you absolutely certain you've entered the right credentials? This is often the case and can happen to the best of us.

2. Firewall

If you have, problems might lie with your server being behind a firewall and unreachable from the Internet. Without access to your email servers Qualifier can't send nor receive emails.

3. IMAP Support Disabled

3.1 IMAP Support in Gsuite/Google Apps

Sometimes you'll see the error message "IMAP is not enabled for this Google Apps account". To solve this, the administrator of the GSuite/Google Apps account will have to enable IMAP for users. Read more here.

3.2 IMAP support for individual accounts

IMAP support can be disabled in Gmail. If it has been disabled, Nylas can't get access to your emails. Steps to turn IMAP back on:

Settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP > Enable IMAP

Contact us at [email protected] for more information on how to take action if you weren't able to solve your problem using these troubleshooting tips.

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